Well here is some quick shots I took with my Camera phone, which aside from my malfunctioning web cam, is the only Camera I own. I got team Tunic further tonight than I had originally expected, likely due to a complete lack of televised Hockey. Gave them all the same treatment as my test model, and think I did a better job then my motor skills lead me to believe I was capable of. However I will be going over every last one of them and giving them a thorough touch up. After that there may be some inking, depending on how easily they can be contained in such a small scale. I am really starting to like working in 15mm, but one must be extra careful as the slightest lunge results in a noticeable flaw.
I will take better pics tomorrow and try and get some better lighting and focusing with my jury rigged photo setup, but to be honest that will likely also be another poorly documented learning curve to help fill up this blog. I just couldn't sleep and since I was all proud and team Tunic seemed dry enough to move about, I thought I would snap a couple quick shots.
I love the relaxed, non-stationary meditative aspects of painting.
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